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URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R

Successful funding application for Workshop on Art, Dis/ability, and Reproduction

In collaboration with the Institute of Art History, young researchers of the H2R Sabine Stettler and Agnes Kandlbinder have been successful in obtaining funding from the UZH graduate school to host the upcoming workshop "The Body in Plural: The Artifactuality of Human Reproduction" in October 2024.

This event will explore how images and objects impact and shape our understanding of reproductive experiences. We discuss how images and artworks from the pre-modern period to contemporary art have contributed to determine how human life has been imagined, represented, constructed, and disciplined through the cultural shaping of the fetal person, often leading to the invisibility of the pregnant body. Furthermore, we look at the way in which art and images can help transcend scientific knowledge to encompass the emotional dimensions of reproduction as a lived embodied experience.

This workshop is situated in an interdisciplinary perspective that connects Art History with Gender and Disability Studies, as well as the History of Science and the History of Law.

More information, including the final date and list of our confirmed international speakers, will follow soon.