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URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R

Partner Networks and Projects

Citizen Science Zurich

Citizen Science Zurich is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, supported by the Mercator Foundation Switzerland. The Competence Center strives for an open, diverse and inclusive science, where research is done with the public and for the public, and where Citizen Science is accepted as a standard research approach. To achieve this, Citizen Science Zurich inspires and supports people to engage in different forms of participatory research.

Competence Centre of Medicine – Ethics – Law Helvetiae (MERH)

The Competence Centre of Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty Competence Centre of the University of Zurich. The goal of the Competence Centre is to support and connect research and teaching of medicine, ethics and law at the University of Zurich and other university institutions nationally and abroad.

Clinical Research Priority Program (CRPP) Praeclare

The Clinical Research Priority Program (CRPP) is a part of the Faculty of Medicine's efforts to promote strategic areas of research for the Faculty of Medicine and University Medicine Zurich. The aim of the CRPP Praeclare is to improve reproductive genetic testing by further exploring the genetic landscape and variant pathogenicity of development disorders.

Digital Society Initiative (DSI)

The "UZH Digital Society Initiative" (DSI) is a scientific institution supported by all faculties of the University of Zurich (UZH) and open to all members of the UZH. It aims to promote independent scientific reflection and innovation on issues relating to the digital society, to prepare UZH students to help shape the digital society, to engage in a continuous discourse with the public and to support political decision-making.

To this end, the DSI promotes the intensive cooperation of scientists from different disciplines and institutions who are working together for a limited time on research selected topics of the digital society.