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URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R

2021 Events

News list

  • Sandor

    Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Dr. Judit Sándor - ONLINE! Via Zoom

    The University Research Priority Program "Human Reproduction Reloaded" | H2R cordially invites you to the brown bag lunch talk "Reproducing Privacy" on 6 December 2021 from 12.15 to 1.30 pm. The talk will be given by Prof. Judit Sándor, director of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine at Central European University in Vienna and visiting professor at the University of Zurich.

  • Logo

    Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesemann

    Die Gastvorlesung mit Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesemann, Direktorin des Instituts für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, zum Thema "Fortpflanzung, Zeit und Gutes Leben – ein komplexes ethisches Dreiecksverhältnis" findet am 11.November 2021 zwischen 17.15-18.30 online statt.

  • Lichthof

    Seminar by Prof. Dr. Judit Sándor

    “Legal Reflections on the Changing Concept of the Human Body in the Twenty-First Century”

    The seminar will be given by Prof. Judit Sándor, director of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine at Central European University in Vienna and visiting professor at the University of Zurich. It will take place in English on 25 October 2021 from 9.15 – 11.15 am in the Senatszimmer, KOL-E-13, Rämistrasse 71 and will include a coffee break (COVID certificate required).

  • uzh

    Pre-fieldwork Workshop "Approaching Research in the Field of Human Reproduction"

    This pre-fieldwork workshop aims to provide PhD students and postdocs of the research priority program “Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R” as well as other junior researchers working in the field of human reproduction at the University of Zurich an opportunity to present their research proposals to dedicated experts in the field of human reproduction. Participants will receive comments and practical advice from the experts and other peers before embarking on their own fieldwork.

    It will take place in English on 20. October 2021, from 09:30 – 17:00  in the UZH main building, room KO2-G-275.

  • Bild

    Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Dr. Carolin Schurr & Dr. Veronika Siegl

    The  brown bag lunch by Prof Carolin Schurr (University of Bern) & Dr Veronika Siegl (University of Cologne) on "Reproductive Mobilities: Reproduction across borders" will take place on 14 October 2021 from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.

  • Kick-Off Event

    Kick-off Event URPP H2R

    What are the benefits and risks of reproductive technologies? How will these technologies develop in the future? What are their ethical and legal implications? 

    The kick-off event of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R provides an insight in the research of the newly established URPP H2R through the public screening of the movie "Human Nature. The CRISPR Revolution" and a panel discussion. 

  • UZH


    Kinder bekommen ist längst nicht mehr nur eine rein der Natur überlassene Angelegenheit. Doch welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich aus den Möglichkeiten, dem Kinderwunsch mit künstlichen Methoden nachzuhelfen?

    Wir freuen uns darauf, diese Frage an der diesjährigen Scientifica mit Ihnen im Science Café und am Ausstellungsstand zu diskutieren.

  • Panel

    Panel on “Parenthood, Reproductive Rights and the European Court of Human Rights” at the ICON-S conference

    The panel is chaired by former ECtHR judge Helen Keller and features three other members of our project:  Andrea Büchler, Elena Brodeala and Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess as well as Alice Margarita and Matilda Merenmies.

  • Lichthof

    Citizen Science Kick-Off Workshop

    Our first citizen science workshop together with the  Competence Center — Citizen Science (dubbed Citizen Science Center Zurich) will take place on 25 June. The Competence Center Citizen Science is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. The aim of the citizen science workshops is to maximize the collaboration between citizens and scientists in all phases of the research process.

  • Luftaufnahme

    Research Colloquium

    The Research Colloquium enables PhD students and staff of the URPP H2R to present their scientific work and receive feedback from other members of the URPP. This event will take place between 12:30-02:00 p.m. and is only for members of the URPP.

  • Embryonenschutzgesetz

    30 Jahre Embryonenschutzgesetz

    Brauchen wir neue Regeln für die Fortpflanzungsmedizin?

    17:30 - 17:50

    Das Embryonenschutzgesetz in Deutschland ist dreißig Jahre alt. In der Diskussion mit Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler, der Präsidentin der Nationalen Ethikkommission im Bereich der Humanmedizin der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, geht es darum, was Deutschland von anderen Ländern im Bezug auf das Embryonenschutzgesetz lernen kann. 

  • Logo

    Brown Bag Lunch with Prof. Dr. iur. Arkadiusz Wudarski


    Die Veranstaltung wird auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben!

    Die Rechtsstellung des biologischen Vaters auf dem Prüfstand – rechtsvergleichende Perspektive