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Elena Brodeala: Lecture “An introduction to Gender and the Law” in the course “Gender and Sociology” led by PD Dr. Nina Jakoby, 29.11.2021, Link
Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess: Discussion on "The Reproductive Rights of Fathers before the ECTHR" with Dr. Alice Margaria, 24.11.2021, Feministisch.Ius Zürich, Link
Elena Brodeala: Talk "Human Reproduction and Medicine in Post-War Central and Eastern Europe" at the workshop “Historical Contexts of an Ethical and Legal Analysis of Biomedicine”, 19.11.2021, Central European University, Budapest, Link
Gerald Schwank: Talk "Correcting metabolic liver diseases by in vivo base editing", 9.11.2021, 9th International mRNA Health Conference, Session IV: Gene Editing, hybrid event, Berlin, Link
Andrea Büchler: Vortrag "Der Kaiserschnitt aus Notwendigkeit und auf Wunsch. Oder auch mit Zwang?", 8.10.2021, 5. Fachtagung Geburtshilfe, Link
Elena Brodeala: Talk "Gender Equality Challenges for Romanian and Bulgarian Constitutionalism in the 21st Century" with Ivo Gruev from the University of Oxford, 7.10.2021, Conference on "The Dust of Time? Towards a 21st Century Constitutionalism, European University Institute", Link
Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess: Guest lecture "Women’s Reproductive Autonomy in a Globalized World: Egg Donation, Egg Freezing and Age Limitations" as part of the course "Gender, Family Diversity and Reproductive Autonomy in a Globalized World", held by Elena Brodeala and Julian Werner März at Sciences Po, 04.10.2021, Sciences Po Paris, Link
Elena Brodeala: Talk "Human Reproduction Reloaded, A Research Project of the University of Zurich: Research Agenda on Child’s Right to Identity in Assisted Reproductive Technology", 13.09.2021, Symposium/Webinar on "Child's Right to Identity in Assisted Reproductive Technology”, Link
Gerald Schwank: Talk, Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers, 18 - 20.08.2021 Virtual, organized by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Link
Andrea Büchler & Elena Brodeala & Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess & Helen Keller: Panel on Parenthood, Reproductive Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, 07.07.2021, Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), Link
Elena Brodeala: Paper presentation “Pregnancy Discrimination Before the European Court of Human Rights”, 07.07.2021, Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), Link
Elena Brodeala & Marie-Hélène Peter-Spiess: Panel on Empowerment and Backlash: Gender as an Axis of Constitutional Contestation, 06.07.2021, Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), Link
Elena Brodeala: Discussant in quality of expert on “Gender Equality before the European Court of Human Rights” at a workshop with judges of the European Court of Human Rights as part of a project of the AIRE Center on “Gender Equality and the Judiciary in the Western Balkans”, 3-4.06.2021, Baden-Baden, Germany
Elena Brodeala: Paper presentation “Re-imagining Gender and Sexuality in Romanian Constitutional Law”, 27.05.2021, the Annual Meeting on Law and Society, Chicago, United States of America, Link
Elena Brodeala: Talk "Gender Backlash in Central and Eastern Europe: a Case Study on Romania", 15.05.2021, Feministisch.Ius Zürich (F.Ius), University of Zurich.
Elena Brodeala: Guest lecture “Working for the European Court of Human Rights and Building an International Career” at the International Human Rights Law course of Prof. Bianca Gutan, 26.04.2021, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Simion Bărnuțiu Law Faculty, Romania
Andrea Büchler: Konferenz 30 Jahre Fortpflanzungsmedizin (Panel: Was können wir von anderen Ländern lernen?), 22.04.2021, Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Link
Elena Brodeala: Guest lecture “Illiberalism and Gender Backlash in Central and Eastern Europe” at the Comparative Constitutional Law Course of Prof. Christie Warren, 24.03.2021, William and Mary Law School, United States of America
Elena Brodeala: Guest lecture “Reproductive Autonomy in International Law” in the seminar “Reproductive Medicine and the Law – In a Comparative Perspective” of Prof. Andrea Büchler, 18.03.2021, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Law Institute