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In 2024, under the lead of SP3, a Special Interest Group Transgender and Gender diversity was established in order to bundle our various research efforts and experiences in the field of Human Reproduction including transgender and gender diverse persons. Our aim is to create a transdisciplinary participatory platform for exchange within the H2R and with Networks of Transgender and Gender diverse persons and peers. Through this initiative, we seek to increase the visibility, interaction, knowledge and competences to address research questions and practices concerning reproductive autonomy, rights, needs and experiences of and with transgender and gender diverse persons (TGP), thus integrating their perspectives in our mainstream research.
We will integrate the perspective of TGP also into our citizen science panel, continue our research on and with TGP in our Subprojects and the Data Center research, and actively pursue additional research grants to delve deeper into the reproductive health needs of TGP.
Our prospective community collaborators include:
Further expert collaborations include: