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Interview mit Prof. Andrea Büchler und Prof. Brigitte Leeners
The URPP “Human Reproduction Reloaded” in collaboration with F.Ius, the Gender Legal Studies group at the University of Zurich, has the pleasure to invite to you the talk “Equal Protection in Dobbs and Beyond: How States Protect Life Inside and Outside of the Abortion Context”.
Neue Publikation von Dr. Estelle Fragu: Leihmutterschaft versus Gebärmuttertransplantation. Die Illusion der Hoffnung?
Ein Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andrea Büchler, Direktorin des Universitären Forschungsschwerpunktes Human Reproduction Reloaded, das im Rahmen des Dies Academicus 2022 stattfand.
PhD position "Global Issues of Human Reproduction"
60% (full doctorate)
Prof. Andrea Büchler im Interview mit Simon Hehli und Judith Blage
mit Elena Brodeala & Agnes Kandlbinder
Am: 02.09.2022 (21-22 Uhr)
Weiter Informationen unter ZÜRCHER THEATER SPEKTAKEL
Dr. Melinda Hall will discuss the primary arguments in her book, The Bioethics of Enhancement. She draws out the conflict between transhumanist thinking and disability justice projects. She argues that transhumanist arguments in support of radical human enhancement are inimical to disability justice projects. Transhumanist thinkers, the strongest promoters of human enhancement, and fellow travelers who claim enhancement is a moral obligation, make arguments that rely on the denigration of disabled embodiment and lives.
Welcome Dr Silvia Suteu
who joined the URPP H2R as a visiting professor from the University College London (UCL) Faculty of Laws in the United Kingdom, a warm welcome!
Der UFSP H2R hat eine Stelle als Postdoktorand*in Forschungskoordination / Längsschnittstudie 70-100 % zu vergeben.
The Working Papers written in the framework of the URPP H2R are published by Seismo Verlag Zurich / Geneva and are now also posted on their website.
The University Research Priority Program (URPP) "Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R" has a job opening: a PhD position in the field of law and human genetics, namely on aspects of genome editing and human genetics in reproduction.
The 58th annual conference "SOCIETAS ETHICA" focuses on Vulnerability & Integrity and takes place August 25-28, 2022.
The moral impact of vulnerability, especially human vulnerability, has been intensely discussed in recent years. It seems that human vulnerability offers a foundation to better understand morality, especially regarding the moral duties of beneficence and nonmaleficence. But it might also enable a deepened understanding of concepts of autonomy and justice.
While the concept of vulnerability has been intensely discussed there is far less ethical discussion on the concept of integrity. Therefore, this conference suggests clarifying the moral relevance of vulnerability by reference to a better understanding the concept of integrity and vice versa. The topic will be discussed on a fundamental conceptual and normative level, as well as with regard to different areas of applied ethics (medical ethics, nursing ethics, political ethics, ecological ethics).
The “Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R” project of the University of Zurich has the pleasure to invite you to the panel “Challenges and Prospects in the Regulation of Human Regulation” that will take place on 5 July 2022 from 17:30 to 19:00 Zurich time (UTC+2) at the Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S).
Last Friday our long awaited film event took place in the movie theater Kosmos. After watching the documentary "Menschenskind!", the film maker Marina Belobrovaja discussed her work and experiences with the H2R team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Marina and the Citizen Advisory Panel for this great evening.
Welcome Dr. Michaela Slotwinski
who joined the URPP H2R as a post-doctoral researcher in the URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R, sub-project 2 Human Reproduction in Societies and Markets.
Die Fortschritte in der Fortpflanzungsmedizin erweitern die Möglichkeiten des Menschen, ein Kind zu bekommen. Seit kurzem bringen zwei Gastwissenschaftlerinnen aus der Ukraine ihre Expertise ein im Universitären Forschungsschwerpunkt «Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R», wo die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen und die rechtlichen Herausforderungen der Reproduktionsmedizin interdisziplinär erforscht werden.
Die Gastwissenschaftlerinnen Dr. Kateryna Moskalenko (links) und Dr. Oksana Kashyntseva halten am 31. Mai einen Vortrag über die Rechtsgrundlagen und Erfahrungen in ihrem Heimatland Ukraine zum Thema Fortpflanzungsmedizin, insbesondere Leihmutterschaft.
Im Interview mit Brigitte Blöchlinger erzählen die Beiden, wie es ihnen an der Universität Zürich ergeht, was die grundsätzlichen Fragen ihrer Forschungsarbeit sind und was sie den Zuhörern ihrer Lectures mitgeben wollen.
Kateryna Moskalenko and Oksana Kashyntseva will deliver a joint lecture on Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Ukraine: Overview of Legal Regulation and Surrogacy in Ukraine: Overview of Legal Regulation.
In an Interview with Barbara Bleisch Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler talks about the URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded and elaborates on the questions the researchers are dealing with.
The URPP H2R is hosting Dr Kateryna Moskalenko from the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv as a postdoctoral / guest researcher. An SNF Grant (Scholars at Risk) was acquired for this purpose. In collaboration with Scholars at Risk Switzerland, the SNSF supports visits of researchers from Ukraine to Switzerland.
At the end of 2021, Elena Brodeala was recognized with the URPP H2R Best Researcher Award for her outstanding research.
In the framework of the Ethnology Colloquium (ISEK) Lucy van de Wiel, from the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine, King's College, London will present her lecture on Financialising Future Fertility.
The first meeting of the Advisory Board with the project leaders took place on 21 March. In addition to an exchange of the four sub-projects and urgent questions of future reproductive medicine, the focus was on joint collaborations in 2022. We are happy to announce that Prof. Jeanette Edwards and Prof. David Archard are plenary speakers at the URPP H2R Summer School, which will take place at UZH in September
Melanie Dösegger bespricht vier ausgewählte Werke, die das Thema Human Genome Editing (HGE) aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven diskutieren in Neuere Literatur zu den ethischen Aspekten des Human Genome Editing.
The research project “Human Reproduction Reloaded” at the University of Zurich is looking for an Ukrainian visiting scholar working on issues of reproductive medicine from a social sciences perspective.
An der Universität Zürich ist eine Assistenzprofessur für Rechtsfragen der Reproduktion und Humangenetik (UFSP Human Reproduction Reloaded) auf den Beginn des Herbstsemesters 2022 (1. August 2022) oder nach Vereinbarung zu besetzen.
Weitere Informationen:
Welcome Maila Mertens
who joined the URPP H2R as a PhD student in the Empirical and Normative Knowledge and Data Centre, a warm welcome!
Maila's research interests include gender studies, particularly the division of child care in partnerships and the reconciliation of career and family planning for women. Her PhD project will be concerned with social egg freezing and the possibilities it brings to postpone family formationWorkshop an der Universität Gießen (01.-02. September 2022) in Kooperation mit der Sektion „Media, Science & Technologie“ des Gießener Graduiertenzentrums Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften.
Studienteilnehmer*innen gesucht! Für die IDENTITY suchen wir erwachsene Menschen, deren Zeugung durch Samen-, Eispende, oder Leihmutterschaft unterstützt wurde und ihre Erfahrungen und Perspektiven mit uns teilen möchten.
Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung des ZAZH findet am 22. März 2022, 18:15 bis 20 Uhr im SOC-1-106, der Vortrag „Der lange Schatten des römischen Abstammungsrechts — zur Begründung des Kindschaftsverhältnisses zwischen Tradition und medizinischem Fortschritt“ von Prof. Dr. Ulrike Babusiaux (Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Zürich) statt.
Welcome Agnes Kandlbinder who joined the URPP H2R as a PhD student in the subproject 4 CRISPR Technology in Human Reproduction, a warm welcome!
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zurich invites applications for an
Assistant Professorship in Reproductive Medicine and Genome Editing,
which will be integrated in the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology at the University Hospital Zurich.
The second H2R-Talk with Prof Maneesha Deckha and Prof Margot Michel on "Normativity of Human Reproduction" is published on our page H2R-Talks.